I Saw an Ad on Instagram and Cant Find It Again
One of the most frustrating parts of the Facebook user feel for both individuals and business owners is the inconsistency with existing Facebook features and functionality. At the top of that list is the ability to tag another Facebook Business organisation Page in your mail service. I recall dorsum when you HAD to first "like" a Facebook Business Page either as yourself or every bit your Page in guild to exist able to tag that business page in a condition update. Even though that requirement went away some time ago, simply having "liked" a Business organization Page doesn't guarantee the power to tag that Business Page when you want to. Here are five things to try when you can't tag a Facebook Business Page in your post.
5 Things to Try when you Can't Tag a Facebook Business concern Page in your Facebook Postal service
- Get off your smart telephone Information technology doesn't thing if y'all "like" the Business Folio you want to tag or non. Tagging another Page on Facebook can exist choosy on mobile. When in doubt, get off your telephone.
- Check for a Vanity URL/Page Username It can be difficult – although not impossible – to tag a Facebook Business Page that has not fix its Vanity URL (aka username). I recommend visiting the Facebook Page yous are having a trouble tagging to see what their URL structure is like (this can just exist seen on desktop). Alternately, you can come across if a username is listed on the Business organization Page. If there's a username, you'll see it beneath the profile photograph on desktop, and information technology will resemble a Twitter handle (@username). At this fourth dimension, there'southward no practiced way to discover a Business concern Page'southward username on the Facebook mobile app. To increment your chances of tagging success, brand certain yous have liked the Page as the Facebook identity you are trying to tag as, and then type the exact name (in this example, begin with the "The").
TIP: If the Facebook Page URL contains dashes and ends with a bunch of numbers, it does non have a vanity URL.
- Type the words of the URL and *Not* the Facebook Concern Folio Proper noun There are several ways to approach the selection of your Facebook Username. Yous might want information technology to match the other social media usernames that you have, or you may include of import keywords in your Vanity URL/Username in order to aid in search. Reasons like these tin can hateful a Business organisation Page's URL is different than the display name showing beneath the cover photo. If you aren't having any luck locating the Business organization Page you want to tag past typing the Page name, check the Business organization Folio URL and enter those words instead.
- Southward-50-o-w-fifty-y type your Page's usernameThis seems to help locate the proper name for Pages that are new, smaller in size, and/or have a lot of other, larger Pages with the same initial messages in their username. Sometimes information technology's a matter of popularity of a word you are typing since Facebook just pre-populates a small number of Pages that match what you've entered then far.
- Rearrange the Club of the Words in the Vanity URL This one might seem a scrap foreign, but this technique is something I've had to use repeatedly because of a popular local attraction. I can't say why this occurs; perhaps it'southward a result of a Facebook Page with an existing Vanity URL, having requested a new URL, or the consolidation of multiple Pages into 1. No matter the reason, this used to exist the example with our local zoo's Facebook Page. If I want to successfully tag the Memphis Zoo, I demand to type, "Zoo Memphis". The official Memphis Zoo Facebook Folio has over 160,000 Likes. You'll observe that a different Business organization Folio – Memphis Zoo Park – with the zoo's logo and but 97 Likes shows upward when attempting to tag "Memphis Zoo".
NOTE one: In early November 2019, many Facebook users began running into bug tagging Facebook Business Pages that they used to be able to tag without issue, or began to hear from their clients and fans that they weren't able to tag those Business Pages in their ain posts anymore. While Facebook has made no official mention of why this is happening to some Pages, this tagging problem began immediately following Facebook'southward removal of the grey verification check mark from Concern Pages at the very end of October 2019. Since Facebook has a long history of "breaking" existing functionality when making "improvements" + the timing of these 2 things, I have to judge that they are related.
It's also of import to betoken out that the ability to tag Concern Pages has not been removed entirely; it's just that some Pages are having this consequence.
Annotation 2: Facebook introduced the option for Business organization Pages to disable the power for other Pages and users to tag their Business Page in a post. If this is the example with a Business concern Folio you are trying to tag, what yous'll experience is successfully tagging the Folio when your post is in Draft form – including seeing the Folio proper noun highlighted in blue – but one time the post is published, the tag disappears. Unfortunately, since this is a feature controlled past Page admins, there's cypher you tin can do virtually it.
Good luck and happy tagging!
Source: https://www.elirose.com/2014/11/cant-tag-facebook-fan-page-status-update/
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